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Green Arrow #01

W: Jt Krul
A: Dan Jurgens

Green Arrow #01 is a mixed bag of sorts. I was really looking forward to this book mainly because of Dan Jurgens handling the pencils. Ever since the Death of Superman arc I have been a huge fan of his. His work is classic and simple with no wasted lines. His storytelling is spot on and he does not disappoint here. I love the redesign on Green Arrows costume as well. Of all the redesigns, his seems to be the most natural and sensical of the bunch. My concern with this title came from Krul continuing
to handle the writing. His Green Arrow run before the relaunch was good. There weren’t any must read moments in the series but I liked it and looked forward to it. However, with the relaunch I wanted someone new, someone to take the character in a different direction with a different voice. And to his credit, Krul does a decent job of giving us a new Ollie. It’s not one I love yet but only for the choice in dialogue. I have always pictured Ollie as an incredibly smart, well spoken individual. While he is
smart here, he is not well spoken and that took me out of the story a bit. The rest of the issue was solid and gives readers a decent intro to the new adventures of Oliver Queen. The cliffhanger is nice and hopefully sets up some exciting stories for the future.